Corporate Data

 Company Name Sumitomo Real Estate Sales Co., Ltd.
 Head Office 4-1, 2-chome, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
 Established March 1, 1975
 Representative Toshikazu Tanaka, President
 Closing Date March 31
 Common Stock 2,970 million yen (As of March 31, 2017)
 Employees 3,269 (As of March 31, 2017)
 Description of Business Brokerage, Consignment sales, Property leasing, Sales, Others
 Brokerage Office Network 269 Brokerage Offices in Japan (As of December 6, 2018)
AreaNumber of Brokerage Offices
Hokkaido Area8
Tohoku Area5
Tokyo Metropolitan Area154
Tokai Area17
Kansai Area72
Chugoku Area7
Kyushu Area6
Overseas Office Network
  Manhattan Brokerage Office
  Scarsdale Brokerage Office
  (Offices of consolidated subsidiary Sumitomo Real Estate Sales (N.Y.), Inc.)